The first 100% biocompatible disinfectant molecule, free of toxic substances. Fights viruses without creating microbial resistance.
BioAkt - Antimicrobial Metabolic Substrate® has obtained certification as a Class IIb CE (0476) Medical Device Disinfectant from the Ministry of Health and the Kiwa Cermet certification body. Its effectiveness on numerous bacteria and viruses is a result that had never been obtained before and is tested and supported by numerous certified scientific studies.
Its action is highly antibacterial, virucidal and fungicidal certified according to UNI EN 1276, UNI EN ISO 12353/2013, UNI EN 1650/2013 and according to AOAC regulations.
One Molecule, Great Benefits
The vast majority of disinfectants are formulated with alcohol, ammonia, chlorine or hydrogen peroxide. However, these substances are toxic and corrosive to the skin and mucous membranes and are not environmentally sustainable!
Here are the characteristics of BioAkt® that make it different from all disinfectants currently on the market, highlighting the health, environmental and economic advantages.

"Antimicrobial Metabolic Substrate"

A simple but powerful action. We have thought of the “Trojan Horse” strategy to attack pathogenic germs.
Our industrial secret, in fact, lies in being the first to be able, through special treatments, to bind weakly but in a very stable way, a silver ion within one or more molecules of citric acid, naturally predisposed to reject each other given the reciprocal positive electric charge.
Our molecule is the smallest disinfectant existing in nature, as it is dimensionally enzymatic. It can therefore be used by microorganisms as a possible metabolic source.
It is known that microorganisms and in particular bacteria recognize citric acid as a source of nutrition, metabolizing it.
Once the hidden silver ion has penetrated inside the microorganism, it releases itself from the citric acid. The ion immediately acts as a powerful antimicrobial by destroying adenosine triphosphate (energy transport protein of microorganisms), destroying DNA, RNA and all that is vital in the pathogen.
How BioAkt® acts on viruses
Viruses are much smaller than bacterial and fungal cells and have no metabolic activity. Viruses have fewer target sites on which an antimicrobial can act. Silver targets the winding or capsid and the viral nucleic acid. It not only destroys the viral envelope or capsid, preventing the virus from associating with a host cell but also destroys the infectious component of the virus, that is, the nucleic acid.
The laboratory tests, essential for the certification of our molecule, are present in our technical file and have demonstrated the antimicrobial efficacy on numerous bacteria, viruses (especially those with lipoprotein envelope) and fungi including: Human Coronavirus, Covid-19, HIV type 1, Hepatitis B virus (HBV), Hepatitis C virus (HCV), Escherichia Coli, Respiratory syncytial virus, Influenza A (H1N1), MRSA, Salmonella enterica, Listeria, Pseudomonas, Rotavirus, Herpes, Athlete's foot fungus.
In which sectors does it ensure effectiveness and protection?
The results of the tests carried out on the efficacy against pathogens and sustainability towards ecosystems and aquatic life forms, on materials and people. The tests have allowed us to develop product lines with different and customized formulations and concentrations of active ingredients for different fields of application.
BioAkt® is widely used for professional disinfection in the medical and pharmaceutical field.